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Happy New Year - Will We See GTA VI Announced In 2023?

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Psy @Psy

Happy New Year - Will We See GTA VI Announced In 2023?

Firstly, happy new year to everyone. Also let me take this opportunity to welcome you to our brand new GTA VI fan site which has just gone live today.

Welcome to, a brand new fan site covering all of the rumours and speculation about the next Grand Theft Auto game. Our team have been involved in the GTA community for 20 years, writing guides and creating content as well as running numerous other fan sites about Rockstar's previous games. Read more on our About Us page.

We've tried to keep the website up to date with everything we know, and made educated guesses on everything we don't, but feel free to contribute either in the comments or via our Contact Us form.

Will we see GTA VI officially announced in 2023? It seems likely, although we don't expect the game to launch until 2024 at the earliest. In the mean time, feel free to send us any fan artwork you've created, or any wild theories about the game and its setting and we'll make sure you're included on our website.


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